Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Recent Laws that effect Education

Isn't great when there are so many laws that your head spins?  I don't understand why people have so much time to evaluate the need for so many!  I think there are a few laws and acts, however, that I think effect education and even the role of the librarian.  

One law that has effected the librarian is the Net Theft Act a.k.a No Electronic Theft Act.  What does that mean?  Well, do you remember Napster?  This law addresses the sharing of files via the Internet which included the sharing of MP3 files and other computer software.  It is a crime to do so!

Based upon my research and reading of the Simpson text, the mention of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was focused on quite a bit.  This act effects the librarian in the way of Internet and other digital technologies.  As Simpson states, "Library, scientific, and academic groups have long found the provisions of the act to be overbroad and far-reaching,"(Simpson 2005).  I totally agree with this statement!  The explanation of the law is unclear to me as a newbie.  In essence, the copying of material has to be set into specific perimeter.  The perimeter being who is allowed to make the copy, fees applied, and obsolete material.  This act also effected the use of interlibrary loans and copying of materials through that means.

TEACH (The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act) effected the methods of copyright material protected that could be used in online education.  This set of criteria allows schools the use of limited amounts of copyright protected materials when used in qualifying educational situations.  So if the high school purchases reading software, if it qualifies, the middle school may be able to use the same software.  


Rachael said...

I agree that the perameters of copyright laws need to be more clear. Who and what can be copied? I like the idea behind TEACH. I think that copyright laws shouldn't hold up within an educational setting.

~Nicole~ said...

During this research, I thought about what I witness in the school building and what I've even committed. I'm curious about your word choice, shouldn't or could we say can't.